The Benefits of Using a Pool Cover and How to Take Care of It

Using a pool cover is essential for keeping your pool clean and safe. It helps conserve energy and water, reduce the consumption of chemicals, and save time on cleaning. Warmer days in San Diego can cause pool water to evaporate, so using a pool cover at night can reduce this process. It also traps accumulated moisture and returns it to the pool naturally.

Taking care of your pool cover is important for its longevity, so you should examine it regularly, wash it every spring, and store it in an area where it is safe from rodents. Pool covers also prevent the growth of algae and bacteria, while keeping insects and parasites out of the water. They usually last five to ten years, depending on the quality of the material and the amount of exposure to the sun. Before closing the pool for the winter, make sure to mix and dissipate the pool chemicals. A pool cover saves energy and conserves water by decreasing the amount of make-up water needed.

It also reduces the consumption of chemicals and saves a lot of cleaning time by keeping debris out of the pool. Evaporation is reduced when you use a pool cover at night, resulting in a more consistent water level and potentially lower water bills. An indoor pool saves water by losing less due to evaporation, so you won't have to fill it as often. If you live in a drought zone, using less water is essential. You should thoroughly examine your pool cover, paying attention to its material.

For example, a vinyl pool cover with maximum sun exposure may last only one year, while an automatic pool cover may remain viable for 3 to 7 years. Check for possible breakages and make sure the webbing remains firm to determine if you should buy a new pool cover for the next swimming season. Wash the solid pool cover every spring when you open the pool for the season. If there is a lot of dirt and debris on the deck, a pressure washer will work very well to remove it. If the pressure washer is not enough, you can spray a mild cleanser, such as dish detergent, on the lid before pressure washing.

You can also buy an enzyme-based product intended for cleaning caps, and attach it directly to the hose. If there is mold on the cover, bleach will remove it. Before storing the cover, be sure to dry it completely. If you keep it wet, mold is more likely to grow. Finally, be sure to store the cover in an area where it is safe from mice and other rodents who can chew on the material and make their nest on the deck. For added safety, ask a trusted pool maintenance professional to install alarms that go off every time unattended children or pets set foot on the deck.

While each manufacturer offers different warranty coverage, pool cover warranties typically last up to seven years. If your pool cover has lost its panels or suffered significant damage, you may still be able to get replacement from the manufacturer if their warranty has not yet expired. Pool covers are relatively expensive investments that require proper care in order to last for many years. Taking care of your own will help you save money in the long run. The only difference between a regular packaging material and a pool cover is that it includes UV inhibitors and a thicker plastic grade.